
Sarah Ann McKelvain was born January 30, 1863 in Freestone County Texas.  Sarah Ann was the daughter of Robert K. McKelvain and Leah Nancy Jane DeFoor (DeFir).  Sarah married Isaac Anderson Callaway June 29, 1879 in Eastland Co., TX.  Isaac and Sarah raised a large family on a farm in Stephens Co., TX.  Sarah Ann died on that farm  November 20, 1940.

Robert K. McKelvain was born about 1824 in South Carolina.  Robert was probably born in Sumpter Co.  Roberts parents were Isaac and Mary McKelvain.  Robert married Leah Nancy Jane DeFoor (Defir) February 1, 1857 in Freestone Co. TX.
They later moved to Moran Shakleford Co. TX where Robert died in 1879.  Robert and Leah Nancy Jane had the following Children.

Mary McKelvain
b. abt 1858
m. Stillwell
2. Jones

William R. McKelvain
b. August 15, 1859
d. January 8, 1952

Sarah Ann McKelvain
b. January 30, 1863
m. June 29, 1879 in Eastland Co., Texas  to Isaac Anderson Callaway
d. November 20, 1940

Nancy Olive McKelvain
b. October 8, 1865
m. January 14, 1883 in Eolian, Stevens Co., Texas to Samuel Parker Preslar

John H. McKelvain
b. September 29, 1862
m. Eva Mildred Clement
d. June 29, 1932 in Tarrant Co., Texas

b. 1874

Martha McKelvain
b. 1868
m. August 30, 1886 in Stephens Co. Texas to William A. Flippo

Lucinda McKelvain
b. 1870
m. January 9, 1890 in Stephens Co., Texas to Wm Freeman

This next part I belive to be true but don't have positive proof.  I have used census, wills, and land records to come to the conclusion as to who were the parents of Robert McKelvain.  Robert was born in South Carolina was before comming to Texas in Mississippi where he bought land in Monroe Co. in 1852.  Living in Kemper Co. Mississippi in 1850 was Isaac and Mary McKelvain with two son's John and Tom.  Living next door and one house away were William McKelvain and Benjamin McKelvain.  All were born in South Carolina. In 1880 John McKelvain is living in Eastland Co., TX the next county to Shakelford where Robert died in 1879 and Stephens where after his death Leah Nancy Jane his wife had a homestead.  Thomas Jefferson McKelvain was living in McLennen Co. Texas where Robert had bought land.  It makes sense that these people are all family.  I belive that Isaac and Mary McKelvain of SC and MS are the paretns of Robert K. McKelvain.
Isaac was the son of John and Elizabeth McElveen of Sumpter Co., South Carolina.  The names I have for children of John and Elizabeth are:  Isaac, John, William, Benjamin and Burrell,  all except for Isaac are names that I have seen used in the McKelvain descendants of Robert's.

Last Update Friday, 06-Dec-2024 22:39:40 UTC

Copyright 2009 by Gayle Triller

Copyright © 2013 by Gayle Triller.
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